I am a mother of two HCPSS students, a statistician working for a federal public health agency, and a math teacher. I went to Peking University for my undergraduate study in China, and I received my Ph.D. in Biostatistics from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. I have served on the Community HOA Board of Directors. I have been a school MathCounts coach, a homeroom mom, a long time PTA member, and a volunteer at numerous school, extracurricular, and community activities. Currently I am serving on the BOE Operating Budget Review Committee (OBRC).

Campaign Website: https://www.lu4boe.org
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lu4boe
What are the top three issues that you will solve as a Board of Education member?
- BOE’s decision making process needs to be based on accurate data, valid analysis, and takes input from all stakeholders to serve the best interest of children and communities. I want to bring evidence-based decision making to the BOE.
- When school board and county council don’t work together, students and communities suffer. I aim to foster collaborations between the BOE and county council in long-term planning.
- Mental health is a serious issue. I want the school to play an important role in nurturing students’ social-emotional development because it is equally important as academic achievement and physical well-being for children’s bright future.
What unique skills & experience do you bring to the Board of Education?
As a Ph.D. statistician working for a federal public health agency, I will use my data analysis skills and experience with real-world evidence to promote evidence-based decision making.
My work involves collaboration with other federal agencies. The collaborating skills that I developed in my work are essential in establishing productive working relationships between the BOE and county council.
I have been working in the public health field for many years. Education, early detection, and early intervention are important and effective ways to protect public health. My professional experience will help raise mental health awareness among students, parents, teachers, and communities.
Why do you want to serve on the Howard County Board of Education?
I have never imagined that I will run for any election until I saw the decision making process at the BOE last fall during the redistricting process – inaccurate data, flawed analysis, and inappropriate missing data imputation.
As a statistician working in a federal public health agency, I think we need to bring evidence-based decision making to the BOE, especially the decisions have direct impact on tens of thousands of children and their families and all Howard County communities.
I hope to use my expertise and experience to bring change to the BOE.
General Election Forums & Debates
Campaign Finance Data Analysis
August 25, 2020 Analysis
**Full analysis & opinion available here

Candidate Forum Introduction Statements
Mount Hebron PTA Forum – 2/11/20
The People’s Voice Forum – 2/25/20
Achievement Gap & Education Equity
No videos available
Would you present a budget asking for all possible covered needs? If not, what would you prioritize?
How can we maintain the quality of HCPSS educational excellence without significant tax increases?
County & State Government Issues
What is your opinion of Kirwan Commission recommendations and funding tax increases?
Scott E’s Blog Candidate Debates (May 2020)
Give an example of a data information gap that exists in HCPSS. How should the BOE fill that gap?
What experience or knowledge do you have about education and the student demographics in Howard County?
What are the pros & cons of the recent redistricting decision? What would you have done differently?
School Construction & Maintenance
What are your thoughts on balancing building & preventative maintenance needs against limited financial resources?
School Policies & Issues
What is your plan to decrease bullying and discrimination in schools?
Should guns be allowed in schools? Does their presence serve to increase security?
What is your opinion on school start time? Should it be changed?
Small Group Discussion
Mount Hebron PTA Forum – 2/11/20
Special Education
What changes can be made for special educators and their students?
No videos available
Candidate Forum Closing Statements
Mount Hebron PTA Forum – 2/11/20
The People’s Voice Forum – 2/25/20