How to Use HoCoTips Secure Reporting Platform
To submit information to the HoCoTips Secure Reporting Platform, please follow these steps:
1. Go to this site:
To submit information to the HoCoTips Secure Reporting Platform, please follow these steps:
1. Go to this site:
2. Click the button labeled File a Report.
3. Read the important information about the 16-digit code that you will be given after submitting a report, which will let you follow up and securely discuss your report with HoCo Watchdogs on a secure messenger, then click the button labeled Proceed.
4. Select the appropriate category for your report. If you have a new category to recommend, feel free to include this request in the report that you submit.
5. Fill out all required information (noted with a red * symbol) and include whatever other optional information you choose to share. Note that files can be securely uploaded under the Supporting Documents / Data / Attachments section.
6. Click the button labeled Submit
7. Your report has been submitted! Record the 16-digit number receipt that is displayed on the final page. This code will be needed for future correspondence about your report with HoCo Watchdogs on a secure messenger.
Important Notes on Ensuring Personal & Technical Anonymity
The following is advised to further enhance your security when submitting a report:
1. In the event that you would like to remain anonymous, do not submit any personal information. (e.g. name, contact information, or any other information that can be directly traced back to you.)
2. Do not submit your report on a computer, phone or internet connection provided by your employer. This may jeopardize your anonymity.
3. If you would like to ensure maximum technical anonymity when you submit a report (i.e. ensuring that you have an anonymous computer IP address), please download and install the Tor Internet Browser. After installing the Tor browser, you may access the HoCoTips Secure Reporting Platform submission site in the Tor browser using the following link: http://urjtbjk3kaimyr57nu62ljmf2ft45fsjo7sotqydojnfiargeovdaeyd.onion/