Friday • January 17, 2020
Notes on Backroom Bullying of HCPSS Board of Education Member
By Steven Keller
Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) requests that were submitted following the controversial ending to this year’s HCPSS school redistricting process back in November are beginning to be fulfilled and there is some very interesting material in the MPIA responses. A response to MPIA # 2020-257 was uploaded today which shared BOE member Vicky Cutroneo’s notes taken on the ‘ratification vote’ statement that BOE Chair Mavis Ellis read on December 17, 2019.
Significant insight is provided on the back room bullying that occurred during the illegal closed session (Open Meetings Act violation) that took place after one of the motions failed in a 4-3 decision during the final redistricting vote session on November 21, 2019.
For background on this situation, it is recommended that the following posts be read in order to fully understand the shocking insight that is contained in these newly-released notes:
1) Open Meetings Act (OMA) violation & “redistricting whiplash” vote during final vote for the Howard County school redistricting plan
2) Ratification vote held on December 17, 2019 in a legal maneuvering effort hamper a request for injunction that was filed on December 12 to stop the redistricting process due to the OMA violation
3) Concerns that select Board members raised during the December 17, 2019 BOE meeting about the accuracy of the statement that BOE Chair Mavis Ellis read on behalf of the entire Board prior to the ratification vote, in which she claimed to provide insight into what happened during the illegal closed session that occurred during the redistricting final vote meeting
With that backstory in mind…..on to the notes: